After touring with the Tom Tom Club on a bill with Debra Harry and the Ramones, what I was left with afterward was the desire to express a feeling in it’s rawest form. Two months after we got back, the Trashaholics were formed. Though short lived, this was an important experiment for me. Inspired by the Ramones (well, joey in particular) and The White Trash Debutantes who we saw when we played in San Francisco, the first incarnation of the Trashaholics featured Bebe Buell, Cynthia Sley, Carla Olla, Eunice, Carmen, Shizo, and Al Maddy who I later brought into the Resistance to play guitar, Meant to be an experiment in censorship-free revolving door open source music, this band gave us the opportunity to evolve because many of the principles we were standing for came up for examination.
Power, symbol and meaning, what serves as a true function and what is fake, a lot of s___ hit the fan in this one, but, that is actually what it was designed to do.